Computer Science 1

Hi! I'm Alice Chung and this is my webpage for Comuter Science 1/ GITA 1.
I'm a Freshman at BOHS and this is my first year in GITA.
I'm learning C# - C"Sharp" this year. It is a coding language to develop Window's Apps.
In GITA, we learned how to code in C# which you can also download here.
You can find my 2nd Semester Projectshere.

Goodbye World

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to create buttons andto say goodbye
in four different languages.

Help Page

Date: 9/25/17

In this program, we made our own company page with our own logo.

Mailing Label

Date: 9/27/17

In this program, we learned how to input and output
a mailing label.

Car Rental

Date: 10/5/17

In this program, we learned how to input and output
customer's infromation, manager statistics, total cost, and days used.

BMI Calculator

Date: 10/12/17

In this program, we learned how to calculate the BMI of a person.

Car Rental 2

Date: 10/17/17

In this program, we added onto Car Rental add gave the customer
a choice what kind of car and any add ons.


Date: 10/17/17

In this program, we learned how to generate random dice rolls
and to calculate the probability of each number.


Date: 11/3/17

In this program, we learned how to play Craps and to utilize
if and else statements.

Test Score

Date: 11/9/17

In this program, we learned how to take two test scores and
to find the average and higher test score.

Slot Machine

Date: 11/17/17

In this program, users can deposit money and roll the machine
until they match up all three pictures to win the jackpot.


Date: 12/14/17

In this program, users will be able to "buy" shirts of their choice
and decide whether or not it will have pockets or a monogram.

Fish Program

Date: 12/21/17

In this program, users will see a fish move randomly at a normal pace.
Users will then be able to control the speed of fish's pace.

Slot Machine

Date: 11/17/17

In this program, users can deposit money and roll the machine
until they match up all three pictures to win the jackpot.
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